Casa do Bico

Tourist accommodations, especially rural ones, play an important role in protecting and conserving the environment, and therefore should be developed under the most suitable conditions. By promoting sustainable and environmentally respectful practices, tourist accommodations can directly contribute to preserving the protected spaces visited, which are the main resource and attraction for ecotourism activities.

Below are some GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES to minimize negative impacts on ecosystems, promote favorable attitudes towards their preservation among clients, and contribute to conserving the natural environment.


1.- Comply with regulations and standards:

  • Inform and ensure compliance with specific regulations and required permits, especially in protected areas.
  • Obtain all necessary permits and comply with rules established by local authorities.

2.- Environmental education and awareness among clients and staff:

  • Provide information to clients about the importance of protecting the environment.
  • Foster respect for nature and promote sustainable practices:
    1. Leave no trace. Do not litter and leave the area cleaner than you found it.
    2. Never discard cigarette butts.
    3. Adhere to behavioral norms in protected areas.
    4. Stay on trails/paths.
    5. Avoid making loud noises.
    6. Respect the passage of animals. They have priority.
    7. Do not disturb or approach wild or domestic animals.
  • Create informational materials and educational panels highlighting the accommodation’s sustainable practices and the importance of environmental care.
  • Offer talks or workshops on environmental topics so clients can learn more about sustainability.
  • Involve accommodation staff in adopting and promoting sustainable practices.

3.- Promote biodiversity conservation:

  • Collaborate with local organizations or environmental authorities to participate in conservation and restoration projects for the natural environment.
  • Inform clients about the importance of conserving local flora and fauna and how they can contribute during activities.
  • Highlight the threats facing species and how they can help protect them.
  • Promote participation in conservation projects or donate a portion of profits to support local initiatives.
  • Maintain the natural surroundings of the accommodation in good condition, avoiding indiscriminate tree cutting and promoting the regeneration of local vegetation.

4.- Respect flora and fauna:

  • Explain and remind clients of behavioral norms to avoid disturbing the natural environment or harming local flora and fauna.
  • Promote responsible wildlife observation and avoid approaching or feeding animals.
  • Avoid collecting flora from the area. Do not uproot plants or capture animals for study.

5.- Support local development:

  • Support the purchase of local products and promote the region’s gastronomy in the food and beverage offerings.
  • Provide information about companies offering eco-tourism activities and experiences that allow clients to enjoy nature responsibly.

6.- Promotion of sustainable transportation:

  • Encourage clients to use sustainable transportation methods to reach activities, such as public transport and carpooling.
  • If possible, offer eco-friendly transportation options for activities, such as bicycles or electric vehicles.

7.- Report any ecological crimes:

  • Poaching, poisoning of animals, soil and water pollution, etc.



  • Use low-energy LED lighting in all common areas and rooms.
  • Install motion sensors and timers to control lighting in low-traffic areas.
  • Promote the use of renewable energies such as solar panels or wind turbines to supply part of the accommodation’s energy needs.
  • Turn off lights and electronic equipment when not in use.
  • Promote responsible use of heating and air conditioning, avoiding energy waste. Increasing the temperature by one degree increases energy consumption by approximately 7%. According to the Energy Savings Contingency Plan approved by the Government of Spain in 2022:

– in winter the temperature should be 19 ºC

– in summer the temperature should be 27 ºC

  • Keep windows closed while in use.
  • Turn off and disconnect machines properly when not in use for some time.
  • Use the dishwasher with a full load.


  • Implement a waste separation system to promote recycling, including:

– Yellow bin for containers.

– Blue bin for paper and cardboard.

– Green bin for glass.

– Black bin for organic matter.

– Orange bin for kitchen oil; in our case, 2 specific containers for used oil.

– Others: button batteries, alkaline batteries, printer and fax toner cartridges.

  • Place signs and informative posters about the importance of recycling and how to do it correctly.
  • Provide information on how to recycle correctly and encourage guests to participate.
  • Prioritize returnable containers over non-returnable ones.
  • Promote the reduction of disposable product consumption and encourage the use of reusable or recyclable packaging.


  • Install low-consumption devices in faucets, showers, and toilets to reduce water usage.
  • Encourage responsible water use practices among clients, such as reusing towels.
  • Provide information about the importance of water conservation and how clients can contribute.
  • Install timers or some kind of timer system to make clients aware of their consumption.
  • Program consumption time.
  • Avoid throwing papers, cigarette butts, and all kinds of garbage into toilets.
  • Avoid leaving faucets open unnecessarily and wasting water.
  • Resolve any detected issues (leaks in tanks, faucets, etc.) as quickly as possible.
  • Collect rainwater.


  • Use electronic formats whenever possible instead of printed documents.
  • Print only final documents, as much as possible.
  • Reuse one-sided paper for drafts, notes, and other uses.


  • Limit the use of pesticides and herbicides and promote sustainable gardening practices that respect local biodiversity.
  • Replace conventional cleaning products with eco-friendly or non-toxic alternatives that specify the product’s cleaning function.
  • When using paints, varnishes, and solvents for maintenance tasks, use retention trays or buckets to prevent the product from spilling directly onto the ground.
  • Never deposit hazardous or non directly chemical products onto the ground.


  1. Responsibility. Visiting protected natural spaces must be responsible.
  2. Planning. Find out about the place from official sources and check the weather forecast.
  3. Preparation. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and do activities according to your abilities.
  4. Prevention. Respect health regulations.
  5. No crowds. Go in small groups.
  6. Health. If you feel unwell, cancel the excursion.
  7. Respect. Do not disturb the animals or alter the flora.
  8. No fingerprint. Collect all waste and place garbage in containers.
  9. Neighbors. Respect the customs of the inhabitants, do not obstruct access to properties or enter private plots.
  10. Local consumption. Whenever possible, contribute to the local economy and buy from local businesses.
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