“Acostumbrado a la vida claustral del Seminario y de la metrópoli compostelana, la naturaleza le parecía difícil de comprender, y casi le infundía temor por la vital impetuosidad que sentía palpitar en ella, en el espesor de los matorrales, en el áspero vigor de los troncos, en la fertilidad de los frutales, en la picante pureza del aire libre”.
“Hacia los pazos de Ulloa” – Emilia Pardo Bazán

This is Our House that will
temporarily be yours
Located in the place of Ferrañol, a nucleus of seven houses, without a chapel or square or notable architecture, in the middle of the mountain slope that culminates in Pena da Hedra.
It is a farmhouse that has been a family home for over 150 years. It was the old house of grandmother Consuelo, from whom I, the current owner, inherited the name.
Linked to agricultural use, it still retains attached two buildings dedicated in its day to the hayloft, portal and cattle sheds. Here the economy was subsistence, like that of the whole mountain and they lived from agriculture and the breeding of meat animals.
In memory of that agro-livestock use, you can see two mangeries at the entrance to the corral, then the bread oven. In these open holes in the wall two pairs of draft animals ate while they rested from the work of agricultural carting. And at other points of the portals, there is a memory of the rabbit hutch and the perch, today converted into a cat house for the animal tenant (Ron the cat) who comes in and out freely. The house was inhabited until 1970 and with agricultural use until the year 2000.
Casa do Bico because that’s what the house at the top of the core is popularly called. It’s the first to arrive from the source. In the village, other houses are called Casa do Toxal, Reboleira, Baixo, Carballo, Cuarto and Cociña.
The Bico is how the bird’s beak is popularly known, and so we reveal the second reason that inspires the name. Birds abound in the area and it is easy to hear the song of sparrows, sparrows, reeds, woodpeckers,… and in the summer time, first the cuckoo and then the oriole.
Finally, the third meaning of the name is the kiss, which is a sign of love and represents, in some way, the affection we put into the rehabilitation of the house that brings us so many memories.
You have the freedom to do the name reading that suits you best, and even the one that inspires you. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed it.
If you think Casa do Bico meets your expectations, click on the button to make a reservation request.